sponsorship opportunitiesOfficial sponsor of the event
As for the former edition, the figure of the official sponsor of the
event is provided for and
it is
reserved, year by year, for no more than three companies, each working
in a different sector.
Sponsorship of the poster session on the children librariesThe sponsorship costs 800 EUR and it means the insertion of the company brand on the web page dedicated to the poster session and on the conference proceedings -- that will be published later -- and the possibility of showing the posters of the company in the poster session. Sponsorship "Bibliocom 2004 awards"The AIB will organize the 3rd edition of Bibliocom awards: prizes for the libraries and their promoters within the international campaign "@your library" promoted by IFLA and trnslated for the Italian edition "@lla tua biblioteca". For the current year, the prizes will be divided into four sections and they will awarded by a jury composed by representatives of the libraries and of the world of culture. The awards ceremony will take place at the end of Bibliocom 2004 opening day, on October 27th, 2004.
The sponsorship for
prize includes:
For further information please contact Bibliocom Organizing Secretariat: tel. + 39 06 4463532, fax + 39 06 4441139, e-mail <bibliocom@aib.it>
letter of the president
Copyright AIB
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