[AIB] AIB. Library
AIB-WEB | AIB Library

The AIB Library: an overview

The AIB Library is specialized in Library and Information Science (LIS).
There are some special collections (Vittorio Camerani collection, Giorgio de Gregori collection, AIB publications, photographs of Italian libraries).


The library collection started in 1961, when the widow of Vittorio Camerani, an Italian librarian who worked in 1930's, donated his book collection specialized in Library and Information Science.


The library holds 8200 monographs, 568 journals (90 currently received), grey literature and CD-ROMs.


The library is open access but borrowing is allowed to AIB members only.
There is a reference service and it is possible to request photocopies. Document delivery and interlibrary loan services are available through a fee (form).


Currently the library collection are catalogued using the software TINlib. The OPAC is available.


Opening hours

- borrowing and consultation: from mon. to fri. 9-13 and 15-18
- reference: mon. and thu. 15.00-18.00, tue., wed. and fri. 9.00-13.00

Internship in the AIB Library

The Italian Library Association offers its members an internship in the library (application, only in italian).

How to get there

The AIB Library is located inside the National Central Library. The nearest underground station is "Castro Pretorio" (B Line).
There is paid-parking in front of the library.

For any question, contact:

Italian Library Association
c/o Biblioteca nazionale centrale
viale Castro Pretorio 105
00185 - Rome
tel. 39-6-4463532
fax 39-6-4441139
e-mail: <biblioteca@aib.it>


Copyright AIB 2002-05, last revision of this page 2011-12-15, edited by Vittorio Ponzani
URL: <http://www.aib.it/aib/biblioteca/bibpres-e.htm>

AIB-WEB | AIB Library