[AIB-WEB] Italian Library Association. AIB-WEB Accessibility

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Accessibilità  [Italian version]

AIB-WEB editorial staff believes that accessibility for all users to the content of a web site, especially if informative and non-profit, is a primary value.

For this reason all technical solutions (such as special graphic or multimedia effects) that limit accessibility are avoided. AIB-WEB intends in this sense to represent an example of construction and maintenance of a huge site with simple solutions as stated by Aim 4 of the Publishing plan. This choice makes possible the cooperative work of the many members of the editorial staff and collaborators, on the common basis of elementary standards of HTML.

This work philosophy and some aspects of the consequent method are illustrated in the articles "WWW da bibliotecari", "WWW da scrivere" and "WWW come database", the titles of which correspond to the three AIB-WEB original mottoes formulated by Eugenio Gatto. In AIB-WEB it is also available a discussion among some members of the editorial staff about the problem of the format accessibility. The accessibility of OPACs and the Web in general was the subject of the Seminario AIB-WEB-6.

In such a spirit, AIB-WEB joins the campaign "Viewable With Any Browser", "I hate frames" and Accessibilità delle biblioteche in rete (CABI), and promotes the principles for the Web Content Accessibility (WAI, an Italian translation is available in AIB-WEB) and for the quality in cultural Web sites.

Campagna Accessibilità Biblioteche In rete

Consultabile con ogni browser     I Hate Frames     WAI     Minerva

This approach, of course, does not exclude that AIB-WEB pages might contain some imperfections and could be improved, both in their accessibility and graphics. For this aspect, too, the site intends to be a structure open to the collaboration and the suggestions of colleagues and users in general, still remaining "a growing organism".

If you wish to contact the editorial staff for explanations or suggestions on these aspects, please write to <aib-web@aib.it>.

Copyright AIB 2004-05, last update 2005-11-21, maintained by Claudio Gnoli (contents) and Juliana Mazzocchi (translation).

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