[AIB] Associazione italiana biblioteche.   52. Annual Conference. Letter of AIB President

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52. AIB Annual Conference
Library politics in Italy. The services

Rome, San Michele di Ripa Grande
23-25 November 2005

Dear Sirs,

The next annual conference of the Italian Library Association (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche - AIB) differs from the previous editions.

It will be a monothematic conference made up of three sessions. It will begin on 23rd November in the afternoon and end on 25th November in the morning, for a total of three-day-work. The location is the prestigious room named Sala dello Stenditoio of the monumental building of San Michele a Ripa grande in Rome. The location has a great historical and artistic value and it can host until 350 people for each session.

Differently from the previous editions, the exposition of the firms operating in the library sector will not take place. However, firms can benefit of some forms of promotion and participation.

The exposition spaces are reserved only to local institutions and to the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities.

The structure of the conference has changed after a global rethinking of the conference activities of the Association. The Association keeps in high consideration the relations and experiences brought by Bibliocom: our aim is to make of it a biennial event turning it into a National conference of the professions of the information society. As usual, this event will include the AIB national conference.

In the next three years the pattern of the conference activities will be as follows:





Rome,Sala della Stenditoio

52° AIB National Conference



Bibliocom – National conference of the professions

+ 53° AIB Conference



54° AIB National Conference

The title of the 2005 edition of the conference is "Library politics in Italy. The services". Its theme conforms to a three-year-project focusing on the frame of library politics in Italy, according to three aspects: Services, Professions and Systems. The next edition is devoted to the first one, the Services of the library.

Firms participation

Firms wishing to support our association conference this year too can do it according to the following modalities:


Brochure inserted into a binder placed at the entrance of the conference room + projection of advertisements on a LCD 42'' screen placed in the same position

Sponsorship of the conference participant bag [the side of the bag is reserved to the sponsor]

Briefcase for the reports [given by the client

Sponsorship of the event badge [reporting the sponsor logo]

Sponsorship of the badge loop [reporting the sponsor logo]

Sponsorship of pens, notebooks [given by the sponsor]

Firm brochure in the conference participant bag

Firm catalogue in the conference participant bag

Firm gadget in the conference participant bag

Firm logo reported on the event poster

Firm logo reported on the event programme

Any other participation modality can be discussed.

Official sponsor of the event

In the 2005 edition of AIB National Congress, up to five firms, each operating in a different sector, can be official sponsors of the event. The firms that can benefit of this opportunity are only the first five that communicate us their request of being official sponsor of the event.

The sponsor can have an exposition place of 9 square metres (3X3). This will be in the same room where institutional stands are, that is the "Sala degli Arazzi" before the congress room, where coffe-breaks for the congress participants will be offered.

Sponsorship gives the firm the possibility to: collocate an advertising totem in the conference room; reproduce its logo on the conference bag, on the brochure, on the conference web page, on the conference proceedings (later reproduced); put advertising material in the conference bag; receive participants addresses if they have given their consent according to the privacy law. Estimated participation: 350/500 people for each session.

The sponsors can also have a 4-colour page in the November issue of AIB Notizie, the monthly newsletter of the Association, coming out in occasion of the conference.

The provisional programme of the conference and the form to fill for participating at the conference with the preferred modality are attached.

If you wish to sustain the conference according to one or more of the modalities here described please contact Simona Cavallaro: Phone no.: +39 06 4463532; fax no. +39 06 4441139: e-mail: cavallaro@aib.it. The deadline for sending your participation is 23rd September 2005; firms strictly respecting this deadline can benefit of a 10% discount on the prices and of one among the following presents:

a ˝ 4-colours page or 2/4 4-colours page for free on «AIB Notizie» (monthly newsletter of the Association, with a diffusion of 5,000 copies sent to all the association members)

a black and white page for free on «Bolletino AIB» (the quarterly magazine of the Association with a diffusion of 5,000 copies sent to all the Association members)


The current changes include the next edition of the librarian diary, which has resulted to be a precious work and information resource for our members. For this reason, we have decided to modify its size in order to make it of a more practical use: the new 120X165 mm size allows people to bring it everywhere.

The Yearbook, containing the list of the suppliers of goods and services for libraries and the Association statute with the annals of the Association life, will be a distinct volume, of the same size; in the Yearbook, like the previous years, you can put your advertisement (according to the sizes and the prizes indicated in the attachment).

The advertisement pages will be duplicated in colour in the middle part of the diary, in order to be always visible, with no additional costs for the firm.

A binder with three internal pockets will contain the Diary, the Yearbook, and a notebook. Together with the binder, they will be given as present by the Association on different occasions along the whole year since it is not strictly linked to the diary.

As usual, the Librarian diary will be given to our members for free; the big novelty is that it will be presented and given in occasion of the conference: this means that members will receive it before the new year begins.

The list of the advertisement prices (as already said, the price includes advertisement both in the Yearbook and in the Diary), advertisement sizes and the form to fill to buy advertisement or to communicate any variation of your data is attached.

This form, together with your file for the advertisement, ought to be sent strictly by the 23rd September 2005; indeed, as already said, the Diary is going to be distributed during the conference in November.

For more information and explanation, please contact Simona Cavallaro: Phone no.: +39 06 4463532; fax no. +39 06 4441139: e-mail: cavallaro@aib.it

I am grateful for the confidence and sustain you have given to our initiatives; I hope the same happens with our new ones. I am confident that we will collaborate proficiently in the future.

I thank the new friends who are going to support our initiatives; I hope they find our collaboration profitable and interesting.

Awaiting your reply, I remain,

Yours faithfully,

Mauro Guerrini
President of the Italian Library Association

Rome, 14/07/05

[Italian version]
Copyright AIB 2005-09, ultimo aggiornamento 2005-09-09 a cura di Gabriele Mazzitelli
URL: <http://www.aib.it/aib/congr/c52/lettera-e.htm>

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