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Library services for children and young adults in Italy

A brief report 2002-2003
Letizia Tarantello

Italian library services for children and young adults are mostly a part, a section, of the public library. Apart some few exceptions of public library totally devoted to children and young adult, located in Genova, Imola, Roma, Bologna, Campi Bisenzio and recently Carpi, all others are sections.

The panorama is marked by very positive data, like the strong awareness of how much important is a quality children's library for the benefit of children, parents and local community.

We can see this in new library like Biblioteca San Giovanni in Pesaro (2001), where children have been chosen as protagonists and active helpers of removal to new location (1). And continue in a virtual tour among some libraries, in the new library of Montebelluna (2002) (2), with its big proportion of spaces (mq 1.034/ 2.103 adult) and collections (11.069 children's/31.398 adult) devoted to children. We have'nt national standard on spaces or collection for children and young adult, but there is a growing belief of how important is a comfortable and easy to use arrangement, with books displayed as more as possible by cover and by ages or themes.
We can see this at the new Biblioteca SalaBorsa in Bologna (2001), with its continuous activities about children's readings (3), involving children's of course but also parents and librarians. Again in children's section of Biblioteca Vincenzo Joppi in Udine (4) and in new children's library in Carpi (2001) (5) with their friendly description of services and different age groups. In Modena at Biblioteca A.Delfini, with its new project of an area for young people (6).
In Roma at Biblioteca centrale per ragazzi where we find a a special work in progress on the web with intercultural purpose (7) and a special web site on children's illustration (8). In Turin and Settimo Torinese, where we find "Bibliokids... the weblibrary of children (9)".
In Genua, at the biggest children's library of Italy, Biblioteca Internazionale E. De Amicis (10), we find between services a permanent multimedia workshop to support children's learning of IT and internet, or bilingual readings (Italian-Spanish, Italian-Cinese, Italian-Arabic).
These are only some examples, but many other experiences are going on in Italian libraries, trying to develope services during all the year: a lot of libraries organize summer's activities, some other in winter time are open during Saturday and Sunday, some have special internet learning activities to bond children and grandparents and teachers, and so on. Each one of these activities does it mean new rapport of the library with civic administration, and civic cultural policy, management of the personal (in charge or voluntary, or external as associations); or new formalized rapport with school administrations.
Another aspect is active role that children's libraries try to have on publishing market, in order to reflect the new but also the historical development of modern children's literature -as L.Paladin in Brescia Library "Il tigrotto" shows with a special attention to "books that fly away", disappeared of market (11). In front of the Italian publishing market with a lot of very little firma beside few big, Rome Library System will held for the second time -next November- together with Associazione Italiana Editori, a Fair of Little and Medium Publishers (Prima Fiera della Piccola e Media Editoria).
On active knowledge of Italian publishing a great contribute is given by annual dossier on Italian market produced by Idest society (12). Here there is the Special Award given by Libraries and Booksellers (a champion) to the most borrowed and most selled children's book or serie.
We don't have official national data on children's libraries (as on public libraries as well). Any survey has shown inequality of distribution all over the country with more libraries on the northern and central regions, very few public libraries in the Southern regions, Sardinia and Sicily.
The only current instrument of knowledge and information about Italian library services for children is given by the publication "Annuario Andersen" (13) edited yearly by a private enterprise of Genua. Despite some inaccuracy, this survey shows in latest edition (2003) basic information on 1375 public libraries. Lombardia with 438 public libraries, has highest number, followed by Emilia Romagna, Veneto, Piemonte.

National co-operation with "Nati per Leggere"

The project "Nati per leggere. NPL begins from 1999 throught partnership between Italian Libraries Association, Pediatrics Cultural Association and Centre for children's wealth to strengthen positive role of reading to babies to improve their emotional and cognitive development. Involving all the community, NPL does it want to improve children's right to be protected not only from violence but also from absence of emotional and affective development opportunities. A national group is devoted to internal communication through discussion list npl-bib@aib.it (that connected 380 persons in 2002), external communication through redaction of web site http://www.aib.it/aib/npl.htm, organisation of training courses for local participants and production of bibliographic guides.
At the end of 2002 project NPL has involved 493 adhesions from all over the country; 321 arised from public libraries, and 219 from libraries organised in cooperative system.
NPL has been the winner in 2002 of the Award given by Ministerium for cultural heritage and activities as the best project of reading promotion in 2001.
The project has became a big communication tool between different generations and subiects.

Local co-operation

Cooperation, apart exception like NPL, is realized mostly on regional or local basis. Some example:
In Lombardia, the library system of Milan Province has been producing since 1989 -throught a work made together librarians and cooperation with bookseller- two annual bibliographies "Tempo libero" (for 11 up) and "Un libro è" (for children), each one a selection of about 70 titles bought by participating libraries.
In Sardinia, Cagliari Provincial Centrum for librarian services have done, for the second time, a special work about young adults readings.
In Lazio, Rome Provincial Centrum for librarian services produces regurarly thematic -on art, sport, music- projects with exhibitions, workshop, conference,
In Liguria, Genua Provincial Centrum for librarian services produces thematic exhibition on children's illustration

Professional identity and training

During last years it has developed a new awareness of professional identity of children's libraries or Sections. Places devoted to such reflection have been specialized periodicals, national or regional meetings promoted by Italian Libraries Association or its Regional Section, jointly with Local Authorities.
Children's Book Fair in Bologna has became from many years a national occasion of communication among Italian children's librarians, even throught meetings organised by Italian Libraries Association-National Committee on Children's Libraries. During 2002 edition it has been held an important meeting between Italian and French children's librarians. Comparison gave us opportunity to point out that what's makes the difference from the adult professional identity it's that children's librarian must have the same knowledge and trainig related to a public library management and, more, a very good knowledge and expertise of its contents in order to be able to promote (14). Another appointment is usually organised for "Bibliocom", in October. In 2002 edition we held a meeting on professional identity during which L.Paladin -librarian teacher at Brescia Regional School- had to recognise that "it doesn't exist anywhere in Italy a professional formalized curriculum for children's librarian".

Two meetings were organised at Bologna Children's Book Fair 2003. One was devoted to project "Nati per leggere". The other "Who is afraid of bad woolf? Censorship and libraries" pointed out how much children's literature has been a field were censorship has been applied, from fairy tales to Disney reductions, from '50 scholastic reductions of famous classics to old and new absent translations.
Every Library administration, expecially throught Provincial district which has by law the competence on training, tries to fulfil new needs connected to personal employed.
There are a lot of private subjects working with libraries on this field. Since 1999 the society Idest -publisher of the data base Liber of Italian children's literature- has organized, together with Local Authorities of Tuscany, Florence, Tuscany Section of Italian Libraries Association, yearly national meeting devoted to focuses what is changing in children's library identikit from the point of view of quality and effective reading promotions (15).


  1. Dossier in Biblioteche Oggi, 20 (2002), n.8, pp.60-91; here S.Basso, Largo ai piccoli, p.82
  2. http://www.bibliotecamontebelluna.it; M.Da Riva, "Con i grandi o da soli?" in «Biblioteche Oggi» aprile 2003, p.26 s
  3. http://www.salaborsa.it
  4. http://www.comune.udine.it/bcur/html/home.htm
  5. http://carpidiem.it/cgi/jump.cgi?ID=58397&t=default
  6. http://www.comune.modena.it/biblioteche/bambini/index.htm
  7. http://www.bibliomondo.it/
  8. http://www.comune.roma.it/cultura/biblioteche/@riele/home/ariele.htm
  9. http://www.comune.torino.it/cultura/biblioteche/bibliokid/home.htm
  10. http://www.comune.genova.it/turismo/biblioteche/deamicis/
  11. http://www.provincia.brescia.it/biblioteche/volo.html
  12. Rapporto Liber 2003 in "Liber", n.58 (aprile-giugno); http://www.liberweb.it/Sondaggi/sondaggi.htm
  13. Annuario Andersen (2003). 19. ed. Genova : Feguagiskia'studios. See section Biblioteche ragazzi pp.61-124
  14. L.Tarantello (2002), Arabian colours, in “AIB Notizie”14 (2002),5, pp.17-19
  15. http://www.liberweb.it/Convegni/ConvegniIndex.htm


Sample of local cooperation:

Copyright AIB, 2004-04; ultimo aggiornamento 2004-04-07, a cura di Andrea Marchitelli
URL: <http://www.aib.it/aib/cen/ifla/sclrap03.htm>

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