[AIB]  Associazione italiana biblioteche. BollettinoAIB. BIB
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Information about BIB [Versione italiana]

The Bibliografia italiana delle biblioteche, del libro e dell'informazione (BIB) is based on the current bibliography Letteratura professionale italiana published since 1975 in each issue of the journal "Bollettino AIB" and includes Italian publications in library and information science (LIS) and related subjects of library interest.

BIB includes - without any attempts to exhaustivity - publications on archives (class 1d), bibliography (class 3), reading (class 18, including children books in 18a), publishing (class 19) and the history of the book (class 20). For an overview see the Classification scheme.

BIB includes Italian library literature in the widest meaning: books, journals, etc., published in Italy but also - without any attempts to exhaustivity - writings in Italian or by Italian authors published in other countries and writings on Italian subjects.

BIB includes books (monographs), serials and especially journal articles, from LIS and non-LIS sources, and contributions in conference proceedings, collective works, etc.
State and regional laws, national standards and a selection of electronic resources, grey literature and ephemeral publications are also included.
Book reviews are noted in the record of the publication reviewed.

All publications, as far as possible, are seen by the editors: the asterisk following the record number indicates descriptions taken from other sources.
The description includes full bibliographic data, with a content note if applicable.
Annotations in a number of records are added to help undestanding of the subject matter and keyword searching, but no abstracts or subject headings are provided.
For materials held by the Library of the Italian Library Association (Biblioteca AIB) the shelf-mark is given.

Other information - in Italian only - about contents of BIB 3 and credits is available; see also Giulia Visintin, L'avanspettacolo dei libri, <http://www.aib.it./aib/boll/bibguida.htm>, and the section Vent'anni di Letteratura professionale italiana, «Bollettino AIB», 35 (1995), n. 3, p. 345-367 (also in «AIB-WEB», <http://www.aib.it./aib/boll/1995n3.htm#lpi>).

For any comments, suggestions, errors or omissions detected, please write to <editoria@aib.it>.


Alberto Petrucciani and Giulia Visintin

Copyright AIB 2001-04-25, by Alberto Petrucciani
URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/boll/bib4inf-e.htm

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