21st EBLIDA – NAPLE conference 2013

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in cooperation with the Italian Library Association AIB (Associazione Italiana Biblioteche)
and the Municipality of Milan

“Ready? Read ‘e’.

E-services in Libraries, from European thinking to local Actions”

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Logo Comune di Milano

15th May 2013

Palazzo Reale

Piazza del Duomo, 12, Milan, Italy

EBLIDA-NAPLE Conference Programme (15 May)

“Ready? Read ‘e’. E-services in Libraries, from European thinking to local Actions”

EBLIDA-NAPLE 21st Annual Conference, Milan, Palazzo Reale, 15th May 2013.


Online registration


08.30     Registration

09.30     Advisor for Cultural Affairs of Milan Municipality, Mr. Filippo Del Corno

09.35     Official welcome by Italy as host, Mr. Stefano Parise, President, AIB

09.40     Ms. Maria Antonia Carrato Mena, President, NAPLE Forum-Board


10.00 – 12.30      Session 1 – Ready? Read ‘e’. E-services in libraries

10.00     Introduction to the overall day, Mr. Klaus-Peter Böttger, EBLIDA president

10.15     State of play of EBLIDA eBooks campaign, Gerald Leitner, EBLIDA chair of the eBooks task force

10:30     Keynote Speech 1, Mrs. Androulla Vassiliou, Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth

10:35     Keynote Speech 2, Mr. Luigi Berlinguer, Member of EU Parliament


10:50     Coffee break


11.20     Introduction to the theme by the Day theme-keeper, Gino Roncaglia (Senior Research Fellow at Tuscia University, Viterbo, Italy)

11.40     Panel Discussion on eBooks and e-services in libraries: developing legal offer for European citizens with Luigi Berlinguer, Gino Roncaglia, Maria Heijne (NAPLE forum), Gerald Leitner and Klaus-Peter Böttger.

Moderator: Bas Savenije, Director of the National Library of the Netherlands


12.30     Lunch – compliments of the host country


13.45 – 15.00      Session 2 – From European Thinking to local actions

3 interactive breakout sessions of 75 minutes held at the same time.
All sessions are sold out

The Spirit of Europe in international Forum (sold out)


Speaker: Vincent Bonnet

EBLIDA director
Moderator: Aldo Pirola, EBLIDA EC

Summary: While EBLIDA campaigns at the European level for legal certainty for libraries in the digital environment, discussions are taking place at WIPO where IFLA proposes a draft Treaty for libraries.
Both EBLIDA and IFLA are dealing with the challenges of access to e-content, eBooks and legal questions related to the digital environment for libraries. These issues are interconnected. Vincent Bonnet will discuss this multi faceted problem, inspiring his audience in this 15 to 20 minute session to engage in active participation. The session will be moderated by Aldo Pirola.

Actions in Europe (sold out)

Speaker: Luca Bergamo

Secretary General of Culture Action Europe

Moderator: Hella Klauser, EBLIDA EGCIS

Summary: Luca Bergamo will elaborate on the European Agenda with a special focus on Creative Europe (the new programme for Culture 2014-2020), how to benefit from this programme and how to act in concrete terms.
Luca will also show the role of Culture Action Europe on a political level and the importance of federating associations, libraries, people over projects in order to gain visibility from the European Institutions.
His 15 to 20 minute speech will inspire the audience to engage in an active session moderated by Hella Klauser

Local is critical (sold out)

Speaker: Nathalie Vallet

Prof. University of Antwerpen, Belgium

Moderator: Jan Braeckman, NAPLE forum

Summary: Nathalie Vallet will report on the results of a research project realised in 5 Flemish and 4 Dutch public libraries. The collected data reveals the existence of one generic strategic role and three more specific strategic roles (i.e. urban landmark, area-oriented herald and/or target group patron). Each strategic profile has specific implications for choices made concerning content- and process-related policy issues within the public libraries. The presentation identifies, depicts and illustrates the nature of these policy issues and as such alternative partnerships.
Her speech will inspire the audience to engage in an active session moderated by Jan Braeckman (NAPLE) with the idea to apply Nathalie Vallet’s findings to e-services in public libraries.


15.00     Coffee break


15.30 – 16.30      Session 3 – What’s next?

15.30     Plenum reports from each workshop by the moderators

16.00     Wrap-up by Gino Roncaglia

16.20     Conclusion and next steps by EBLIDA President

16.30     End of conference – see you tonight by Mr. Stefano Parise, President AIB.

Please note that programme is subject to change


Luigi BerlinguerLuigi Berlinguer is an Italian Member of the European Parliament.
Degree in law from the University of Sassari (1955).
Member of the Deputazione Amministratrice (administrative body) of the Monte dei Paschi di Siena (1970-1975). Editor, Democrazia e Diritto quarterly review (1971-1984). President of the University of Sassari (1972). Rector of the University of Siena (1985-1994). Secretary-General of the Standing Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI) (1989-1994). Member of the Supreme Judicial Council (CSM) (2002-2006). Founder and president of the European Network of Councils for the Judiciary (ENCJ) (2004-2007). Currently editor of “Education 2.0” on-line magazine; chair of the National Committee for Music Education in Schools; chair of the Committee for the Development of Science and Technology.
Former chair of the National Committee of Guarantors of the Partito Democratico; former member of the regional and national leadership of the PCI (Italian Communist Party), PDS (Democratic Party of the Left) and DS (Democrats of the Left).
Mayor of the municipality of Sennori (Sassari) (1960-1964). Member, Tuscany Regional Council (1975-1982). PCI Member of Parliament for Sardinia (1963-1968); chair of the “Progressisti – Federativo” group of Members of Parliament (1994-1996); chair of the Italian Chamber of Deputies’ Standing Committee 14 on European Union Policies; member of the Senate Committee on European Communities Affairs.
Acting Minister of Higher Education and Scientific and Technological Research (1996-1998); Minister of Education (in the Prodi and D’Alema governments) (1996-2000).
Member of the European Parliament, first vice-chair of the Committee on Legal Affairs and member of the Committee on Culture and Education (since 2009).
Grand Cross of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, French Legion of Honour and Grand Cross of the Republic of Italy. Honorary degrees from: University of Toronto, University of La Plaza, Paris V Descartes University, University of Buenos Aires and Roma Tre University.


Gino Roncaglia
Gino Roncaglia
started his professional career in 1983 as a research librarian at the Historical Archives of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, working at the first Italian project of digitization of historical records and documents. Since 1996 he is senior research fellow and appointed professor of Digital Humanities and of Multimedia Tools for the Sharing of Knowledge at Tuscia University (Viterbo), where he also leads a post-graduate course on the future of the book and a master course on e-Learning.
His research interests include two main fields:
1. History of late medieval and modern logic. His latest work in this field, co-authored with Mirella Capozzi, is the section on Renaissance Logic in Oxford University Press’ reference work The Development of Modern Logic, edited by Leila Haaparanta; he also authored many papers published on leading Italian and international journals and the book Palaestra Rationis – Discussioni su natura della copula e modalità nella filosofia «Scolastica» tedesca del XVII secolo;
2. Digital humanities, e-learning, open access, digital publishing. His latest book in this field is devoted to e-books and the future of reading (La quarta rivoluzione. Sei Lezioni sul futuro del libro, Laterza 2010). He also co-authored (with Fabio Ciotti) the book Il mondo digitale (Laterza) and six reference manuals on the Internet published by Laterza between 1996 and 2004 (the best-selling Italian books on the Internet, with 15 reprints and more than 50.000 copies sold). He has worked as author and scientific consultant for many TV educational programs on the Internet and new media, including the first Italian TV program entirely devoted to web  culture (MediaMente), and a series of 8 TV episodes devoted to the History of Information Sciences in Italy. Since 2011, he is strategic consultant for the educational division of Italian public television (RAI Educational).
He is co-founder and, since 1992, Vice-President of the Manuzio project (the Italian counterpart of Project Gutenberg), co-founder of the Italian Association for Digital Humanities and Digital Culture, and member of many learned societies, including Leibniz Gesellshaft, SILFS, SFI, SIFA, SIeL, SISPM.


Since the 1st of March 2012, Luca Bergamo is the secretary general of Culture Action Europe (CAE – www.cultureactioneurope.org).

Previously, he was Director General of the Italian National Agency for Youth from its creation.

Between 2004 and 2007 he was Director General of the “Glocal Forum”, an international foundation promoting peace dialogue, cultural cooperation and active citizenship in sensitive regions of the world, in cooperation with UN Agencies and local authorities worldwide. From 1999 to 2004, Luca was the Executive Director of Zone Attive, a public-private company fostering cultural innovation in Italy. From 1993 to 1999 he was with team of the Mayor of Rome and, in particular, led the youth policy department. Previously Luca worked in the ICT and artificial intelligence programmer. His studies focused on political science and on the role that knowledge play in human and social development.

Program overview (14-16 May)

Day 1 – Tuesday May 14th 2013

EBLIDA Council Meeting (for EBLIDA members only)
Time: 13-18 (incl. coffee)
Place: Biblioteca Sormani – Sala del Grechetto (Grechetto’s room), Corso di Porta Vittoria 6, Milan

NAPLE forum General Assembly (for NAPLE members only)
Time: 10-17 (incl. coffee)
Place: Palazzo della Regione Lombardia, entrance via Melchiorre Gioia 37, Milan – Section N4, first floor, Conference room 5

20.00 – La Dolce Vita, via Bergamini 11, Milan (the reception is included in the Conference fee)


Day 2 – Wednesday May 15th 2013

2013 Conference: “Ready? Read ‘e’. E-services in Libraries, from European thinking to local Actions”

Conference registration: 8.30 – 9.30

Conference: 9.30 – 16.30 (lunch/coffee included)
Place: Palazzo Reale, Piazza del Duomo, 12, Milan.

Early registration fee (before March, 31th)
– EBLIDA or NAPLE or AIB members: 60 euros
– non members: 70 euros

Standard registration fee (from April, 1st):
– EBLIDA or NAPLE or AIB members: 75 euros
– non members: 85 euros

Conference Dinner
20.30 – L’Osteria del binari
Milano – Via Tortona, 3
Optional – Fee: 40 EUR

Day 3 – Thursday May 16th 2013

Cultural morning in Milan
10.00 – Visit to the Biblioteca Trivulziana and to the Castello Sforzesco
Optional – Free

EBLIDA-NAPLE 2013 Conference Registration

Registrations are closed

Introduction & welcome

By EBLIDA President, Klaus-Peter Böttger (Germany) and NAPLE-forum Chair, Maria-Antonia Carrato-Mena (Spain)

Klaus-Peter Böttger

Maria Carrato Mena

At the 20th EBLIDA-NAPLE Conference in Copenhagen (Denmark) one year ago, the European Campaign for eBooks in Libraries was launched.
A year from now, elections will take place all over Europe to renew the Members of the European Parliament, and the European Commission representatives will change.
Ahead of these events, we should take this opportunity to increase our campaign to raise awareness about the needs of libraries for a brighter future both in the physical and digital environment.
The Conference on Wednesday the 15th of May will address the issue of e-services in libraries and how European thinking can be transferred into local actions.
Libraries all over Europe demonstrate the ability to create and ensure attractive services. National libraries make digitised collections available through online services. University libraries deliver access to e-resources to their students while Public libraries provide access to a broad range of online resources and continue the fight to acquire the right to make eBooks available to their patrons just as they are used with printed books and other media. However, these questions continue to be challenged by national borders and real European accessibility is missing.
Together with you while keeping in mind the eBooks campaign as a symbol to raise awareness towards politicians and the public, we will spend the day exchanging ideas, discussing potential solutions, improvement and building a utopia that should come true.
The conference is taking place in Milan. In praxis the conference is organised by the Italian Library Association AIB together with EBLIDA and NAPLE-forum with the support of the City of Milan.

Welcome to Milan in May.


By AIB President, Stefano Parise

parise_aib_presidentAdvisor for Cultural Affairs of Milan Municipality, Mr Filippo Del Corno,
President of EBLIDA, Mr Klaus-Peter Böttger
Chair of NAPLE forum, Mrs. Maria Antonia Carrato-Mena,
President of Cultural Affairs Council of Milan, Mrs. Paola Bocci

Delegates and friends,

On behalf of the Italian Libraries Association and whole community of Italian librarians, I’m very proud to welcome you all in Milan for the 21st EBLIDA-NAPLE annual conference.

It’s a great honour for us to host this international conference that is a great opportunity to discuss some of the main topics for libraries today, such as electronic reading and access knowledge through ebooks with a professionally qualified audience coming from 20 european countries.
The digital revolution that is reshaping the book as an object will deeply transform both the relationship between readers and texts as well as the function and role of library services in the world.
Libraries are changing from services based on physical collections locally owned, to gateways to knowledge located in a digital dimension. This dimension is not the realm of freedom dreamt by pioneers of the web but a vale of tears ruled by the ruthless law of business, where dominant subjects dictate rules to everybody.
Never before could libraries play a relevant and crucial role in helping people to get advantage from the richness of knowledge and information that is surrounding us and in which everyone is totally immersed and enveloped.
But never before have libraries been dangerously near the border between the playfield of access to knowledge and the terraces where spectators stand.
This threatening prospect isn’t concerning individual country or region nor merely a single category of libraries. This is the dark side of the glittering opportunities opened by the global interconnection.
To answer to the challenge of preserving the role of library services in the digital environment, the european library community, which is meeting today in Milan, must be able to build a strategy starting from the recognition of the vital role in the cultural and civic growth of our societies played by libraries.
Such a function is not only about librarians and their relations with publishers, but it is part of a general strategy over the future of European culture and civilization.
The Eblida position paper “Key Principles on the acquisition of and access to Ebooks by libraries” is a valuable starting point for today discussion and later on.
The AIB and the organizers of this Conference welcome you cordially and wish you an interesting meeting and a special experience. I’m sure that the conference will be full success.

Welcome to Italy, welcome to Milan!

Stefano Parise
President of Italian Libraries Association



(on individual basis)


Hotels near the Council and Conference location (City center, top level prices)


Grand Hotel Plaza Milano, Piazza A. Diaz 3 – 20123 Milan

Brunelleschi Hotel, via Baracchini 12 – 20123 Milan

The Place – Downtown Milan, Different locations in the Duomo area of Milan

Starhotels Rosa Grand, Piazza Fontana 3 – 20122 Milan

Hotel Gran Duca Di York, Via Moneta 1/A – 20123 Milan

Hotel Dei Cavalieri, Piazza Giuseppe Missori, 1 – 20123 Milan


Budget Hotels (also centrally located, middle level prices)


Idea Hotel Milano Corso Genova, Via Conca del Naviglio 20 – 20123 Milan

Milan B&B, Via Torino, 51 – 20123 Milan

Hotel Vecchia Milano, Via Borromei 4 – 20123 Milan

Hotel Romana Residence, Corso di Porta Romana 64 – 20122 Milan

The Monastery Hostel, Via Bertoni, 3 – 20121 Milan

Hotel Palazzo delle Stelline, Corso Magenta, 61 – 20123 Milan

Hotel Lloyd Milano, C.so di Porta Romana, 48 – 20122 Milan

Conference sponsor

Sponsors of the EBLIDA Conference in Milan are:





Goethe-Institut Mailand


Libreria Ledi

Libreria Ledi

Società Giardino

Società giardino


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