[AIB] AIB. Sezione Veneto
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CDA (Curriculum Development-Advanced Level)
"The Archaeology and Dynamics of Writing"


The European Union has approved and financed the organization of an European Master Degree Course based on the theoretic and practical interdisciplinary study and experience of the written expression in its various forms. It is a diachronic and interdisciplinary study of the history, functions, social interactions and perspectives of writing, from its origins to the revolution brought about by modern communication technologies.
The project is a cooperation of 14 Universities and 12 Institution partners.

Admission up to a maximum of 20-25 students with these essential requirements:
- University Degree
- Compulsory knowledge of  English and French in order to understand the lessons

Cost: 3500 ECU.
There is the possibility of some grants for students.

The Master is an academic year long (60 ECTS / 1600 study-hours),
divided into two semesters (March 1st - June 11th / September 1st - November 30th 1999).

The courses and the stages will be taken in Venice, Greece, Bordeaux, Milan and Pisa.


Application: contact the Master Coordinator, Prof. Claudia Antonetti
Dead line: 20.12.1998

Master Coordinator
Prof. Claudia Antonetti
Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia
Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità e del Vicino Oriente
San Sebastiano, Dorsoduro 1687, I-30123 VENEZIA
Tel. +39 41 2577315/31/17 Fax +39 41 5210048
For more information see the European Socrates Master Website

Thanks to:
Il Gazzettino, Credito Bergamasco, Banca Nazionale del Lavoro, Gruppo Coin.

Copyright AIB 1998-10-15, a cura di Antonella De Robbio e Marcello Busato
URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/sezioni/veneto/mastereng.htm

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