AIB Friuli Venezia Giulia. Incontri

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International Institute for archival science; Università di Maribor; Archivio di Stato di Trieste

15th International Archival Day

venerdì 21 ottobre 2005, Trieste, Palazzo dei Congressi Stazione Marittima, Sala Illiria, Molo Bersaglieri 3, ore 9.00-18.00


Salvatore Italia, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Capo Dipartimento per i Beni Archivistici e Librari, Rome, Italy
Leopold Auer, Staatsarchiv in Wien, Austria
Peter Pavel Klasinc, International institute for archival science, Maribor, Slovenia
Ugo Cova, former director Archivio di Stato di Trieste, Italy
Liliana Mezzabotta, Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Dipartimento per i Beni Archivistici e Librari, Rome, Italy
Maria Rosa Formentin, Università degli Studi di Trieste, Italy

University, Archives and archival training

Peter Pavel Klasinc, International institute for archival science, Maribor, Slovenia
Elements of relations between universities, faculties, archive services and archives
Marie-Claude Delmas, Centre historique des Archives nationales, Paris, France
Contribution of universities to the archival world
Robert Nahuet, Archival Records & Special Collection Branch Library and Archives Canada, Ottawa, Canada
The university as a field of investigation in archival science
Michael Cook, Centre for Archives Studies (LUCAS), Liverpool, England
Universities and the evolution of archival practice in the United Kingdom: some radical developments
Josef Hanus, Slovak National Archives, Bratislava, Slovak Republik
The contribution of university education to preservation of archives and library materials
Benjamin Haspel, Tel Aviv University Archive, Israel
The contribution of the university and archives at the university to archival world
Grazia Tatò, Archivio di Stato di Trieste, Italy
University and archival school: comparison between the two formative proposals
Irma Paola Tascini, Archivio di Stato di Rieti, Italy
The archive-keeping schools of the state archives and the contemporary necessity of an archivists teaching
Antonio Ratti, Archivio Storico INA, Italy
Company and university archives: a positive cooperation for preservation and research
Francisco Javier Aguado Gonzales, ABC, Madrid, Spain
The spanish univeristy archives. A proposal for standard rules for private universities
Magdalena Marosz, State Archive in Cracow, Poland
Archival theory in practice
Snežana Pejovic, Archiv Kotor, Serbia and Montenegro
The education and training of archival staff in Montenegro
Michail V. Larin, VNIIDAD Moscow, Russia
The education and training of archival staff in Montenegro
Iryna Matyasch, Kiev, Ukraine
The ukrainian archives and development of archive affair in modern Ukraine
Elisabeth Schöggl - Ernst, Steiermärkisches Landesarchiv, Graz, Austria
Cooperation between archives and universities in Austria


Karl-Ernst Lupprian, Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns, Mùnchen, Germany
A fading heritage - permanent preservation of digital private collections
Živana Hedbeli, Office of General Administration Service of thè Croatian Parliament and thè Government of thè Republic of Croatia, head of Registry Office, Zagreb, Croatia
Archives, corruption and mobbing
Walter Zafarana, The Genealogical Society of Utah, Salt Lake City, USA
The Genealogical Society of Utah: its pourposes and activities

Scientific Secretariat
Archivio di Stato di Trieste
via La Marmora, 17 - 34139 Trieste
tel. 040390020 / 040947251 fax 0409380033
e-mail asts@archivi.beniculturali.it

Organizing secretariat
via Mazzini, 12 - 34121 Trieste
tel. 040371678 fax 040370634
e-mail ttc@ttc.it

Copyright AIB 2005-09-22, ultimo aggiornamento 2005-09-26 a cura di Massimo Milan

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