[AIB-WEB] Associazione italiana biblioteche. 49. Congresso[Gonzaga Arredi]  ALIGN=

AIB-WEB | 49. Congresso AIB | Bibliocom 2002 | Nuove biblioteche per nuovi bisogni

49. Congresso nazionale AIB


Martedì 15 ottobre 2002: ore 14,30-18,30
Mercoledì 16 ottobre 2002: ore 9,30-13,30
Roma EUR, Palazzo dei congressi
Sala Esquilino

Nuove biblioteche per nuovi bisogni: l'architettura di fronte alle sfide della tecnologia (1990-2000)

Convegno internazionale organizzato dal MBAC Direzione generale per i beni librari e gli istituti culturali e dall'AIB

Per partecipare al convegno è obbligatorio prenotarsi, utilizzando l'apposita cedola

Mercoledì 16 ottobre: ore 9,30-13,30

Tanja Notten
Nuove biblioteche nel Nord Europa


Last decades libraries are confronted with new technologies. These technologies affect their organisations deeply. Libraries are in change, and their future is insecure. The term 'electronic library' has a common use. Even the futures of the organisations are insecure, still libraries are built.
When speaking about new libraries of North Europe: is it possible to categorise these new libraries by similarities in their characteristics? To answer this question we must compare the motives for building new libraries from the side of the librarians. And beside that we must look for similarities in the objectives librarians have with their new buildings.
It is not enough to consider the librarians' motives and aims for defining a category. The same importance comes from the side of the architects. How does the architecture respond to the new technology? What is the architectural setting by which the 'electronic library ' is reflected? There are three general trends that can be distinguished regarding to the architecture: form, function and construction.
By showing illustrations of actually built libraries in North Europe, it is likely that can be proved that the theory fits the facts.

Copyright AIB 2002-09-23, ultimo aggiornamento 2002-09-23 a cura di Gabriele Mazzitelli
URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/congr/c49/notten.htm

AIB-WEB | 49. Congresso AIB | Bibliocom 2002 | Nuove biblioteche per nuovi bisogni