[AIB-WEB] Associazione italiana biblioteche. 49. Congresso[Gonzaga Arredi]  ALIGN=

AIB-WEB | 49. Congresso AIB | Bibliocom 2002 | Nuove biblioteche per nuovi bisogni

49. Congresso nazionale AIB


Martedì 15 ottobre 2002: ore 14,30-18,30
Mercoledì 16 ottobre 2002: ore 9,30-13,30
Roma EUR, Palazzo dei congressi
Sala Esquilino

Nuove biblioteche per nuovi bisogni: l'architettura di fronte alle sfide della tecnologia (1990-2000)

Convegno internazionale organizzato dal MBAC Direzione generale per i beni librari e gli istituti culturali e dall'AIB

Per partecipare al convegno è obbligatorio prenotarsi, utilizzando l'apposita cedola

Martedì 15 ottobre: ore 14,30-18,30

Craig Dykers
Bibliotheca Alexandrina: la nuova biblioteca di Alessandria d'Egitto


The new library of Alexandria is meant to create a new center of discussion and debate for the region of the Eastern Mediterranean, rekindling its ancient roots. The design of the building will be presented by one of the project s original designers who will outline the initial thoughts regarding its aesthetic, functional and philosophical foundations and the realization of these and other developments made during its lifetime.

After nearly 30 years of discussion and over 12 years of planning and construction the new Bibliotheca Alexandrina will formally open in October of 2002. The project has passed through many levels of political intrigue throughout its recent and former life. A brief discussion of the history and future of this project will be presented in parallel with a presentation of the completed design. Additionally a general introduction regarding the library s role in contemporary library planning and use will be made placing the new project in perspective when it opens its doors formally to the public.

The talk will last circa 1 hour and will include both a digital slide presentation and a short DVD film.

Copyright AIB 2002-10-08, ultimo aggiornamento 2002-10-08 a cura di Gabriele Mazzitelli
URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/congr/c49/dykers.htm

AIB-WEB | 49. Congresso AIB | Bibliocom 2002 | Nuove biblioteche per nuovi bisogni