[AIB-WEB] Associazione italiana biblioteche. 49. Congresso[Gonzaga Arredi]  ALIGN=

AIB-WEB | 49. Congresso AIB | Bibliocom 2002 | Nuove biblioteche per nuovi bisogni

49. Congresso nazionale AIB


Martedì 15 ottobre 2002: ore 14,30-18,30
Mercoledì 16 ottobre 2002: ore 9,30-13,30
Roma EUR, Palazzo dei congressi
Sala Esquilino

Nuove biblioteche per nuovi bisogni: l'architettura di fronte alle sfide della tecnologia (1990-2000)

Convegno internazionale organizzato dal MBAC Direzione generale per i beni librari e gli istituti culturali e dall'AIB

Per partecipare al convegno è obbligatorio prenotarsi, utilizzando l'apposita cedola

Martedì 15 ottobre: ore 14,30-18,30

Graham Bulpitt
Dalla biblioteca al Learning Centre


This paper considers the development of the Learning Centre as a new model to deliver services and stimulate educational development. Drawing on experience in the United Kingdom, the paper will outline the changes affecting universities which led to the development of the learning centre model, which was pioneered at Sheffield Hallam University. This model integrates library and information services, user computing, multimedia production facilities, educational development and educational research and evaluation.

The department's vision and culture is reflected in the open and flexible design of the learning centre, which will be demonstrated through a short video presentation which shows the building in action. The impact of the learning centre will be assessed through a variety of evidence, including feedback from students and academic staff. The paper will conclude by drawing out key issues from six years' experience of operation and anticipating some key changes over the next five years.

Copyright AIB 2002-09-23, ultimo aggiornamento 2002-09-23 a cura di Gabriele Mazzitelli
URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/congr/c49/bulpitt.htm

AIB-WEB | 49. Congresso AIB | Bibliocom 2002 | Nuove biblioteche per nuovi bisogni