[AIB] Associazione italiana biblioteche. Bibliocom 2001
AIB-WEB | Bibliocom 2001

[Bibliocom]Bibliocom 2001
Rome, October 3-5 2001
EUR Palazzo dei Congressi
Piazzale Kennedy, 1


Main Congressional Events

The scientific events listed below will be hosted within the sphere of the XVLIII AIB Congress. As well as these, Bibliocom will also host scientific demonstrations organized by Ministries, professional associations and public institutions, and technical seminars organized by commercial businesses.

Reform of university regulations and profession

Coordination: Giovanni Solimine (University of Tuscia), in cooperation with Luca Bellingeri

With the involvement of university teachers, public administrations, bodies with expertise in matters of libraries and formation, this session intends assessing the situation of the reform of the regulations of university didactics (first level degrees and specialization degrees) and the implications that this will have on the cultural and professional formation of librarians, and their insertion in the public and private work force.

OPAC: full stop new line. What catalogues for recovering bibliographic information on line (Seminar AIB-WEB 4)

by the CNUR and the AIB-WEB editorial staff.
Coordination: Serafina Spinelli (CNUR coordinator) and Riccardo Ridi (AIB-WEB coordinator), in cooperation with Gabriele Mazzitelli

The session is divided into two parts: the aim of the first is to examine the standards proposed by the IFLA as regards OPAC. In the second, librarians, technicians, those in charge of sites which make bibliographical information available will meet in order to reflect together on what an OPAC should be today, on its special characteristics both in relation to the library's property and as a fundamental point of reference for the users.

Tenders and Service Quality in Libraries

The session intends dealing with the subject of tenders and above all whether it is possible to conjugate the quality of the library services, so important for the citizen user, their manifestation and the protection of the librarian worker, both as client and as the provider of the service.


On the proposal and organization of the AIB with the participation of the Ministry for Cultural Wealth and Activities and in cooperation with the Libraries Institution of the Municipality of Rome

Coordination: Stefania Fabri (Municipality of Rome), in cooperation with Vincenzo Frustaci

As was already the case in 2000 the BIBLIOCOM 2001 international convention wishes to be a moment of reflection not only for the world of librarians but also by opening itself to other professions and contexts. Beside the convention there will be a stand set up in syntony with the various themes dealt with. The basic theme is the relation between the new technologies and the traditional structures assigned to the promotion and knowledge of cultural wealth and activities, by dealing with the problem of a better arrangement and use of MEDIA in the TECA, that is in the places set aside for the diffusion and storing of culture in its various forms, from that of a multimedia library to that of a territorial video and tape library, from the video and tape library of the museum to the museum of audiovisual aids.

Between voluntary service and professionalism: themes and problems of the association that changes

Round table with Italian and foreign professional associations

Bibliocom scientific committee: Luca Bellingeri, Stefania Fabri, Vincenzo Frustaci, Gabriele Mazzitelli, Giuliana Zagra, e-mail c48@aib.it

Copyright, ultimo aggiornamento 2001-07-26 a cura di Gabriele Mazzitelli
URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/congr/c48/progr-e.htm

AIB-WEB | Bibliocom 2001