![]() | Bibliocom 2001 Roma, 3-5 ottobre 2001 |
Dear colleague,
since 2000 the Italian Library Association is organizing each year in Rome an important event, called Bibliocom, Rassegna delle professioni dei prodotti e dei servizi per la gestione dell'informazione e della conoscenza (= Bibliocom, Forum of professions, products and services for the management of information and knowledge).
The purpose of this event, which is also hosting the annual Conference of the Italian Library Association, is to open itself to all professional associations, institutions and commercial companies working in the field of libraries and information science, offering them spaces to host technical and scientific seminars, as well exhibition areas
This year Bibliocom will take place from 3 to 5 October. On this occasion, we intend to realize a big area dedicated to other European and Mediterranean library associations, being convinced that this initiative could be very interesting and stimulating for our visitors.
In particular, as regards the Mediterranean countries, we think it is very important to create opportunities of exchanges and comparison between populations already involved in project of cooperation.
Therefore, we are interested in receiving as much documentation as possibile (books, depliants, posters, etc.), illustrating the life and activities of your Association. All this material will be exposed on the occasion of Bibliocom and then it will be included in the collections of the professional library of the Italian Library Association.
Of course, we would be pleased to be honoured by the presence of a representative of your Association, to whom we are ready to offer all our assistance and help, even if, for a question of budget, we are not able, unfortunately, to meet his expenses.
If you are interested in this initiative, please inform us before the end of May, so that we will be able to project the exhibition area destined to foreign Associations. The material should then be sent within the end of August to the following address:
Associazione italiana biblioteche
Att. Maria Teresa Natale
Viale Castro Pretorio 105
00185 Roma - Italia
Tel. 39-06-5599675
Fax 39-06-4441139
e-mail natale@aib.it
I hope you will participate in our initative, and let us know something as soon as possible. If you want to know other information on Bibliocom, you can look at our Web at URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/congr/comsnodo.htm.
Igino Poggiali
President of the Italian Library Association