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AIB. Gruppo di studio sulla catalogazione |
An Italian comment on
Functional requirements for bibliographic records : final report
Also in:
BollettinoAIB Settembre 1999 (Vol. 39, n. 3) The report begins by outlining the requests which are most
often made to library catalogues and national bibliographies. Thus the report is
based on these and aimed towards them, so that the practical aspects may be
evaluated, whereas other more abstract theoretical formulations necessarily
recall rigorous, logical coherence, and, however, do not exceed the limits of
the indemonstrable, as these are their initial assumptions. Hence no pretensions
to absoluteness, but a simple desire to respond to real situations and
requirements. In this context the analysis of the relative value of the
individual attributes in relation to the four functions requested from
catalogues and bibliographies is appreciable The global approach is of certain value; it takes the
requirements of description, indexation, both semiotic and semantic, and of
management into consideration; it anticipates search and use of records in
different environments and contexts: catalogues, bibliographies, lists, in
libraries and databases, in documentation and in retailing. The choice of the entity-relationship model should be greeted
positively for the clarity with which it permits complex situations to be
analysed and the significant elements to be reported on in flexible and multiple
use archives, for its proven validity in various fields and for its relative
simplicity of comprehension and application. The report is carefully drawn up: it rightly proposes to
examine all types of documentary material, discovering and respecting the
characteristics of each one, paying attention to innovations, above all
technological, and recognising that continuous evolution always requires
appropriate answers. In the document some limitations are explicitly recognised,
regarding problems to be faced on another occasion or subsequently (authority
control archives, 'seriality', electronic resources, record format and filing
systems) and it is important to point out that on all these issues IFLA is
already active. Open problems Some wide-ranging problems on which to reflect in search of
greater clarity are highlighted. 1. Entity of the first group: work,
expression, manifestation, item 2. Authority control These reflections tend to clarify, but at
the same time complicate the usual cataloguing systems more than the report
itself does so already, while introducing the segmented analysis of entities of
bibliographical interest. Furthermore, in the report the case of
manifestations which embody several expressions of several works is foreseen. To
stay with the musical examples, in which various pieces are normally performed,
a piano recital or recital by an opera singer, in the recording on disc which
embodies it figures as the manifestation of several expressions (given that the
performance of each work is considered as a separate expression - rather than
considering the recital a single expression), each of which is the realization
of a different work (which may also be a single part of a work). 3. Economy In the report the principle of economy is implicitly present,
when the writers consider the reduction of costs for bibliographic records and
when they leave it to the discretion of the bibliographic agencies whether to
pass over certain data not considered essential. Nevertheless the report does
not propose a saving of work, but rather an increase; breaking down into
entities, research into relationships and mapping, formalization and authority
control. Is this an apparent contradiction because it is foreseen that
subsequently the increase in work will be compensated by greater wealth, better
precision and hence improved practicality of the archives? Or is the model only
an ideal conceptual point of reference, which can guide the more complicated
cases of cataloguing which however remains fundamentally traditional? The
abbreviated solutions permitted where the use of certain elements is not clear
would appear to confirm this interpretation. But if these shortcuts become too
widespread, as is it easy to predict may happen, will this not defeat the
overall objective? And is it possible for records with exhaustive explanations
of entities and relationships to coexist alongside simplified records without
giving rise to confusion and misunderstandings? 4. A fifth task Apart from these considerations concerning
the viability of the model, one again asks oneself: if bibliographic records are
to represent the complexity above and catalogues are to permit the correct
search of each entity, it would appear logical and important to explicitly add
as a fifth task that the catalogue should permit, as well as finding,
identifying, selecting and obtaining, that of surpassing (going beyond), of
correlating the entities found (identified, selected, obtained) in the sense of
permitting, indeed of facilitating the passage of data of a first
unsatisfactory, or not fully satisfactory search (or else, on the contrary
stimulating) to other records of data related to the first. This is a function
which gives a sense of the organic unity of catalogues and bibliographies. 5. Relationships The identification and listing of possible
types of relationship appears both analytical and precise, with even the
distinction between dependent and independent parts, between referential and
autonomous expressions. Their essential role is to reveal, specify and designate
relationships between the entities; in this way they facilitate their
distinction and identification: expressions are identified in relation to the
works and the manifestations in relation to the expressions... With this aim, among other things it will always be necessary
to apply two-way relationships, not only to trace back from the item to the
manifestation, expression and work, but also in the opposite direction in order
to reach all the expressions of the work and from each of these all the
manifestations and items. Hence it appears the record must assume a
new format which moves away from both the unified sequence of the eight areas
foreseen by the ISBDs and from the card with description completed by heading,
callnumber and tracing, as well as from the traditional unified forms of
bibliographic citations. Instead it would be like a constellation made up of a
central nucleus to which other entities are connected in various ways, whose
satellite role may be transformed, by moving the focus, into the central nucleus
of another constellation. Both the necessary and convenient dimensions of the
constellation to present in single displays and in the different bibliographic
records extracted from this universe should be examined (the nucleus with how
many and which links? - the weight given to the attributes and the relationships
in chapter 6, and the basic requisites for national biographies in chapter 7 are
indicative of this). The catalogue would no longer appear as a list, but as the
universe of this grid, that can be travelled over via adjacent stops starting
from any point; a bibliographical list would be a choice of route across the
grid; a single citation a constellation more or less articulated. The consideration made above concerning the economy and hence
the effective viability of the model may here be raised again and confirmed. Observations on more restricted aspects and problems A last series of observations concerns more particular aspects,
single points of the report which appeared to be unclear or little coherent but
which do not in any way invalidate the value of the document. 6. Entities of group two: persons and
corporate bodies. 7. Entities of group three: subjects. From the definitions, explanations and examples it appears that
concepts are only abstract concepts (single nouns), objects, events and places
are individual (formulations or proper nouns, singular). Are concepts which
represent a class of objects, events or places (for example, ships, earthquakes,
deserts...) not foreseen? In 4.9.1 form is used which is not coherent with that
used for events and places: "a building, a ship", probably due to misprint. 8. Aggregate and component entities Paragraph 3.3 widens the meaning of work
to aggregate entities and component entities, to be related in whole/part
relationship. This is correct conceptually, but it would perhaps be appropriate
to take the opportunity of such an in depth and rigorous analysis to clarify and
better limit the possibility of considering such entities as works, offering a
contribution to a dilemma which has not been resolved. Can a publisher's series
be considered a work or by its nature does it not belong rather to the
competence of manifestation? For various motives, it is traditionally considered
convenient to use the series as a group of monographs to be kept unified (for
control of purchasing in the library, for the arrangement of shelves in the
bookshop...). In reality belonging to a series mostly means the sharing of a
series of characteristics common to books of the same publisher: size and
binding, graphics and layout, a certain cultural approach, depth of examination,
sometimes subject matter and obviously the title of the series. In order to
belong to the competency of work or expression on the other hand, the series
should qualify essentially as a creation or intellectual or artistic
realization, elements which are undoubtedly present in the work of directing or
drawing up of the series, but which are always subordinated to the publication
of the monographic works which make up the series. On the other hand, a single
work may be part of a work-series if it is created and dies within it, given
that the link between works is stable, namely if the single work is part of the
work-series it will always be a part of it, in whatever expression and
manifestation. 9. The intellectual, artistic etc. responsibility as regards
the entities of group one is resolved by establishing relationships with
entities of group two. The formulations of responsibilities are then presented
as attributes of the manifestations, p.31 and 4.4.2) as data exhibited by them,
whereas the work is an abstraction and the expression does not have
complementary textual features, which is the reason why these two entities do
not have a particular presentation of indications of responsibility to
transcribe as elements of description or recognition. Thus it is possible that
names carefully distinguished as not relevant to a manifestation, but rather to
the work or expression, nevertheless appear as attributes of the manifestation.
The ISBDs, which supply the pattern for most of these attributes and which by
their nature do not apply an entity-relationship model, but only distinguish
between areas elements relevant to the different entities, here show that their
function is limited to the description of the publication (i.e. manifestation).
The model includes and incorporates them in a bibliographical record which,
through the relationships, redistributes the elements in the appropriate
entities and with univocal forms chosen according to the search. Without
remixing the different functions, it nevertheless appears important that the
ISBDs be renewed in order to better reflect the nature of the information they
supply. 10. Due to the completeness of the obtain function and given
the predictable application of the model to magnetic records which are
constantly being updated, it would appear useful to add availability to the
attributes of the item, namely the indication of temporary unavailability when
the document is in use, as occurs in systems which integrate the catalogue with
the management of the circulation of the documents. 11. Finally, classification numbers are cited in 2.2 and then
only reconsidered sporadically (as organisational elements in national libraries
on p.115 and as attributes of subjects on p.132-133) and the abstract
(attribution of the expression in 4.3.9; why not of the work?). It would be
interesting if their function and logical placement were clarified. (1) On p.59: the opportunity is taken to correct an error in
the spelling of the performer's name: Glenn not Glen. (2) It is supposed that each new interpretation by the same
performer is intended as a different expression, thus distinguishing in our case
the 1955 performance from that in 1981, just as the respective recordings on LP
and CD are distinguished.
The insertion of expression to separate the
two entities up to now mainly considered (work and publication, now called more
generally manifestation) is particularly appropriate. The definitions are clear
and the boundaries between the different entities fairly well-defined, but
entities which are really different, and which it would perhaps be appropriate
and not overly meticulous to distinguish, appear to have been levelled off under
The various and different expressions of a work, if accumulated
without distinction, do not permit a clear representation of their
In general there is an initial realization of the work (the
first manuscript of a textual work, the first draft of a score, the first
musical performance or staging of an improvised work...), a sort of original
expression, which can be recognised as having the rank of initiator, which
interests us here not so much to promote its specific characteristics as
original data for comparison, as to determine the original type of work we are
dealing with according to its nature (text, music, image, sound....). This first
expression does not always leave a documentary trace (ancient works, test and
music from oral tradition....) but it is possible to determine what its original
type was. A poem created and told according to oral tradition does not have an
original expression until its realization is proposed via a medium, normally
written, or a sound recording: to this expression, to be considered the
original, the recording of a letter or the transcription of the dictation may
follow; music created on the instrument does not have an original expression
until it is presented in musical notation or, if this phase is skipped, on a
sound medium, such as the live recording of an improvised work.
The other
expressions of that work (in addition to the original expression) may be
distinguished in three types.
The first includes all those which realise the
work by expressing it in specific forms which are intellectually different, but
always using the same medium as the original expression (redactions, editions,
performances etc. - whether subsequent or contemporary).
The second includes
those expressions which, while conserving the same medium, change the canon or
code of reference through a transposition (translations, musical transcriptions
with different instrumentation.....).
The third includes those expressions
which differ from the original expression because they use a different medium
(performance of a written text, interpretation of a score, staging of a
Expressions of the first type are close to the traditional
concept of new edition (varied, revised, corrected, enlarged...).
of the third type belong mainly the multimedial environment, due to works which
lend themselves to different forms of representation.
Expressions of the
second and third types are really expressions of other expressions (respectively
of the first type and of the first or second type) of that work.
Taking the
example of the Goldberg Variations (1), one may recognise the following
structure according to the report: the work (abstract entity) is the variations
as conceived by Johann Sebastian Bach, the expression is the form of musical
notation which represents it in the score, the manifestations are the manuscript
and the printed editions, the items are the single examples. Interpretations,
such as that of Glenn Gould and all other interpretations (2) are similarly
considered expressions, even though in another form, while the recorded editions
are manifestations and the individual CDs, cassettes etc are items.
reality each interpretation (expression of the third type) is not linked
directly to the work, but is linked to it through the readable expression in the
form of the score (manuscript or subsequent editions), if not actually through
its printed manifestations, or a precise item of one of these (as is sometimes
pointed out in the booklet distributed with the CD).
A transcription or
arrangement for other instruments (with different score) is an expression (of
the second type) and the interpretation of the transcription is also an
expression (of the third type): the report, considering them all
indiscriminately as expressions in the general sense, leaves the two
intermediate stages of the passage as implicit: work - score - arrangement -
interpretation, jumping directly from work to interpretation.
The different
types of relationships foreseen in the report do allow us to distinguish and
partly reconstruct the different roles of the entities (for example the
relationship between transcription and arrangement is rightly foreseen as the
relationship between expressions, not between expression and work, see p. 71),
but entities of a different nature are associated indiscriminately among the
In a similar manner for texts, subsequent editions of the text
(for example, modified by revision ...) and its translations - which more
correctly are translations of a precise version of the text, even if this is not
always easy or possible to verify - are without distinction expressions of the
same work.
It is noted that more frequently the relationship indicated is
between expression and work (see p. 74), due to the difficulty in ascertaining
which other expression the one under consideration should be related to (on
which score is the interpretation based?). The levelling out of the expressions
seems therefore to be justified by the need to join the expressions whose
intermediary is not known to the work.
This is a genuine difficulty, because
in many cases there are not explicit declarations, but it does not seem adequate
to also justify the complete elimination of relationships which are easily
ascertained and of certain importance for much research. Again in the musical
context: it is not indifferent to find the scores of the Goldberg Variations
separate from interpretations (and within these harpsichord renditions separate
from piano renditions), or performances of Boris Gudunov by Mussorgskij based on
the 1869 version as distinct from those based on the 1872 revision, as well as
from the version revised by Rimskij-Korsakov, and likewise those with the text
in Russian as distinct from those with the translation...
Would it not be
opportune, and possible, to correctly reconstruct all the relationships,
starting from the expressions which realise the work according to the original
medium (those of the first type, such as musical notation to stay with our
examples) to which expressions of the second and/or third type (transcriptions
etc. or interpretations, or transcriptions etc. and their interpretations) are
Or else would it not be appropriate, possible and perhaps more
practical, to distinguish first of all expressive forms assumed by the work and
within the single forms to distinguish the different expressions? To the musical
creation (work), the score and the interpretation (notational and sound
expressive form) would be related, to which would be related respectively
transcriptions and arrangements (expressions of the first form) and the various
performances (expressions of the second form); the manifestations (manuscripts
and printed editions of the score, various editions of sound recordings...)
would be correctly related to the respective expressions and thus it would
follow that the items would be related to the respective manifestations. The
work would thus be linked directly to the different expressive forms assumed,
through these to the single expressions of each medium.
This type of
hierarchical structure is not proposed in order to answer a requirement for
classification, which here is perhaps little relevant (the entity-relationship
model does not anticipate a dendritic graph, but rather a grid). It is indicated
because, whereas for the descriptive function (which answers requests of type 2
and 3: identify and select) it is perhaps sufficient to declare and specify the
attributes and relationships between entities in the record, in order to satisfy
the indexing function, which concerns retrieval and ordering, an ordered
distinction and aggregation of homogeneous entities is necessary (in forms to be
decided: to give an example which does not require much imagination as compared
to current cataloguing, with the indication in the heading of multiple related
and relatable elements, such as: author, uniform title, form of document).
put this another way: to the eye of those seeking an individual recording the
correct indication of the relationship manifestation-expression-work is
sufficient, even while obscuring some intermediate stages as implicit; but to
the eye of those consulting an archive of recordings the ordered clarification
of all the intermediate relationships is necessary for a correct search.
the same way, for entities of the second group (persons and corporate bodies),
the relationships are correctly distributed towards the entities of the first
group (see 3.1.2 and fig. 3.2), thus linking only the entity responsible for the
production, diffusion and distribution to the manifestation, whereas the
creative function should be carried with the work, and that of intellectual
modification and/or execution or interpretation should be carried with the
expression, and only running through the relationships between the entities of
the first group are these functions related to the manifestation and to the
item: what is predicated by an entity is implicitly predicated for entities
deriving from it, but not as in a genus-species relationship: I listen to Bach's
music, Gould's sound, but Bach and Gould do not have a direct relationship to
the disc, but rather indirectly as author and performer of the variations recorded by CBS and subsequently published by
From the clarification concerning the entities it
follows that one must undertake authority control not only of the works (which
is already additional to authority control of the headings only, to which we are
accustomed), but also of the expressions, and thus we open the door to a new
stemma structure which uses the literary histories of the subjects and
bibliographical sources for precise reconnaissance of the ancestral and
dependent items, including and in addition to the complicated and normally
unexplained relationships between entities related to electronic
Every time that a manifestation does not appear to be the only one
existing of a work, it is necessary to go back to the work, highlighting the
expression (or expressions) through which the relationship passes, as well as
the relationships with other expressions, works and manifestations. Thus an
increasingly complete mapping of the works, their expressions and manifestations
and of the relationships which link them together and to other entities (persons
and corporate bodies first of all) takes shape.
To this should be added the
fact that some works are part of another work. The Goldberg Variations, for
example, are part of the Clavier-Ubung, whereas in their turn they are made up
of an aria and thirty variations: each of these entities, which may present
itself as an expression or manifestation isolated from its context, should be
considered a work, and they are all connected by relationships of the type
whole/part. The mapping which was referred to must therefore also provide for
the existence of parts of works (dependent or independent, as the report
specifies) not only in the obvious sense of anticipating explanation of the
appropriate relationships in the records but also in the sense of reconstructing
the stemmata.
This mapping is at the same time the origin and the result of
bibliographical work: to have precise stemmata of the works of authors and of
their expressions already ready available is a convenient premise for the
compilation of bibliographical archives, but it is only through this work and
the study of the tradition of the texts that these 'family trees' or stemmata
are created, completed and then updated. And nobody has the 'philological'
competence (or the tools to undertake this) in every field of knowledge, in
every documentary context, whereas here it appears that those compiling
bibliographic records must be able to base their work on reference works which
in reality only exists for the most consolidated traditions (for example in the
case of classical music with the catalogues of composers), and, when they exist
they are not easily available; or else cataloguers must improvise
investigations, comparison and collations of and between works, expressions and
manifestations and their parts, straying into the field of the scholar of the
This is not a new problem, but rather a new version of the
cataloguer's dilemma, normally resolved in library catalogues with the criteria
of economy and evidence of publication, thus making do with the most easily
available references to original titles or to titles of previous editions, often
checked with scarce enthusiasm.
The new model, on the other hand, proposes
methods whose clarity requires the maximum precision and completeness, if the
results are to effectively correspond with the conceptual rigour of the
formulation; but moving freely over contexts which continue to widen, this
precision and completeness can only be the goal of long and careful work shared
by individuals who are able to cover partial sectors and refer to all the
instruments available with specific competence.
The means of establishing the
results of this work of recognition of the works and their expressions cannot be
other than a form of authority control, through which these entities are named
univocally (uniform title) and correlated with reference to other forms
(equivalent titles, correlated titles...)
Thus descriptive elements whose
transcription is traditionally (also according to the report) left to the free
form of the publication, must be formalised univocally in order to be
recognisable as equivalent. What already takes place in cataloguing for the
names of the authors, transcribed as they appear in the document for the
recognition of the publication, but rewritten in a uniform manner for
recognition of works by the author, must also take place for all the other
elements to which in addition to the representative function of the object
described it is desired to add the function of information retrieval: titles of
works, of parts of works, of series, names of publishers, of locations..., and
furthermore titles of expressions... At the same time it will be necessary to create links with
as many archives as there are categories of entities interested in this
aspect, in which the equivalent forms are connected with each
At this
point it is clear (and this is not the most difficult
example, it is enough to think of the complexity of multimedial documents, to the
parts called 'systemic' in the report) that the intertwining of relationships
becomes more and more complex, multidimensional, with ramifications of the works to the
multitude of their manifestations, but also of single manifestations to the multiplicity
of works contained in them, and hence difficult to trace back to simple patterns.
In the model
it is essentially the role of the relationships to carry out this
function, which is effectively cited, but without particular emphasis, with the by now commonplace metaphor of
'navigating' in 5.1 (p. 56).
Once this is
recognised one asks oneself: how are the relations represented?
They are
found within the same record expressed linguistically (a typical example are the
notes on titles translated), or else with the association of descriptive data
(the name of the publisher within a description, the name of the author
connected in the heading...), or also unexpressed but implicit (when the title
of the manifestation is at the same time title of the expression and/or of the
work). Here, the more explicit they are, the easier is the correct comprehension
of the object described in its literary and actual context.
But within the
record should all the relationships be explained? Should they be made operative,
that is should the two entities of the relationship be named in an identifiable
manner (see p.57), to avoid incapacity of demonstrating search routes from one
entity to another? And in this way how greatly would records and archives
The relationships should be the link which joins, the bridge which
connects different entities, hence linked together but external as regards the
In this case the question arises: where are the entities to go? and
what is the relationship between entities and records?
A complete
representation of the entities and relationships appears possible only by
creating as many records as there are entities considered, supplying them with
the attributes relative to the entity itself and links with other related
entities; thus each entity appears only once in the archive, but its record may
be cited by any other entity in relation to it.
Instead it appears that the
logical exercise of distinguishing works, expressions, manifestations and items
and the entities of groups two and three (authors and subjects) is swallowed up
in a record still of the traditional type, which associates data relevant to
other entities around those of the manifestation, without however presenting
their complete attributes, or permitting the autonomy which would allow them to
be the branch point for relationships with other entities.
Indeed, if the expression is not recorded by
itself, but scattered around the records of its manifestations,
it may not fulfil its function of bringing together all
the manifestations which embody it, nor may the work scattered
around the records of its expressions carry out its function
of bringing together all the expressions which realise it.
The need to
foresee different levels of completeness of the records is again evident,
according to the context they are designed for (for example, a citation as
compared to library catalogue) rather than primarily according to the
availability of the compiler. Indeed, a simplified bibliographic record
abbreviated to minimum level may not disregard the analysis carried out on the
entities involved in the process of undertaking the physical units to record:
the examination of the item as an example of the manifestation always refers to
the level of the expression and the work to identify intellectual
responsibilities, the relevant subjects. Furthermore, simplification must never
cancel the link, the indication of connection with other correlated
This is a
central issue, still to be examined more closely and explained.
The issue is developed little, because the parallel use of
authority files is supposed.
It would be possible to highlight at least the
possible relationships between entities of the group: between person and
corporate body in the case of affiliation or representation ("is a member of, is
a representative of...", "has as its member, has as its representative...");
between organisation and organisation in the event of subordinated body or
section ("is a body of, is a section of ....", "has as its body, has as its
section ....") and in the case of succession ("has as its successor...",
"follows ....").
In 3.2.5 and 3.2.6 the persons and corporate bodies are
related only to works, as opposed to 5.2.2 and figure 3.2 where they are
correctly related also to expressions, manifestations and items.
The current tendency to consider the title in the series as
autonomous, with linking monographic titles, is an operation designed to gather
together all the titles which appear in the series, but looks more like finding
all the titles published by a publisher. As an entity the series has more to do
with the concept of editorial initiative than with the concept of the work.
Where the titles in the series are not distinct from the titles of monographies
or of periodical publications, serious problems of identification and
distinction of bibliographical objects would arise.
There is also the problem
of defining what a work is when there are whole/part relationships. Indeed, in these
cases if both the whole and the part are works,
linked by a simple relationship which does not even establish which the
main entity is, it does not appear possible to organise the catalogue correctly.
For example, if Du coté de chez Swann and Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini may appear
indifferently as works in themselves and as parts, respectively, of À la recherche du temps perdu
and of the novel Romanzo di Ferrara, with a relationship without head or tail, it will
be extremely difficult to find all the editions without making use of multiple
URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/commiss/catal/frbreng.htm