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Lettera AIB a sostegno della petizione EBLIDA contro la proposta di innalzare il diritto d'autore sulle registrazioni musicali dagli attuali 50 anni a 95,
1º luglio 2008

L'Expert Group on Information Law (EGIL) di EBLIDA ha inviato a cinque Commissari Europei una petizione con la quale comunica il forte disaccordo sulla proposta del Commissario Charlie McCreveevy (Internal Market & Services) di estendere il Diritto d'autore sulle registrazioni musicali dagli attuali 50 anni a 95.

Per maggiori informazioni si può consultare il sito di EBLIDA a partire dalla pagina: <http://www.eblida.org/index.php?page=position-papers-and-statements-2>

L'Associazione italiana biblioteche ha inviato ai cinque commissari europei la seguente lettera.

Associazione Italiana Biblioteche supports EBLIDA's position and agrees with EBLIDA's reasons.

Dear Mr/Ms …,

AIB, Associazione Italiana Biblioteche (4,000 members – librarians and libraries), strongly disagrees with Mr Charlie McCreevy proposal about the extension to 95 years of the term of copyright protection of sound recordings.

Directives and national legislations about copyright and related rights should aim to promote creativity and access to knowledge, balancing appropriately the interest of authors and other copyright owners with the interest of users and consumers; it should not favourite monopolies, and it should operate in favour of competition and freedom of market. In fact, 50 years are more than sufficient to assure returns of intellectual and economic investments, while 95 yers of protection could advantage great recording industries only, and no one else. Overall, such an extension would determine a barrier to educational and cultural uses, derivative works, and new investments and creativity.

Trusting in Your sensitivity to these issues.

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Mauro Guerrini
AIB President

Si invitano Istituzioni e Biblioteche a perorare la petizione di EBLIDA inviando lettere ai seguenti Commissari Europei:

– Neelie Kroes (Competition)

– Ján Figel (Education, Training, Culture and Youth)
email: <Cab-FIGEL@ec.europa.eu>

– Charlie McCreevy (Internal Market and Services)
email: <Charlie.Mc-Creevy@ec.europa.eu>

– Viviane Reding (InfoSoc)
email: <viviane.reding@ec.europa.eu>

– Meglena Kuneva (Consumer Protection)
Directorate General for 'Health and Consumers'

Copyright AIB 2008-07-02 a cura della Redazione AIB-WEB.
URL: <http://www.aib.it/aib/cen/copyr0807.htm>

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