[AIB]  Associazione italiana biblioteche. BollettinoAIB 2011 n. 3 p. 226
AIB-WEB | BollettinoAIB | Sommario 2011 n. 3

Information litecary in the Italian Universities; a users' survey combined with the analysis of the University websites

by Alina Renditiso


The article presents the results of a survey on users' education services and information literacy classes offered by Italian academic libraries. The survey was conducted between June and July 2011 with a specific questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire were then combined with the analysis of the University libraries' websites, in order to obtain a clear "snapshot" of information literacy in Italian academic libraries, and to find out if these services are effectively communicated to library users.
The research shows that only one university out of four explicitly mentions the students' training on its website - or on its library systems' website: although it's undoubtedly a developing field, there isn't yet a constant and widespread offer on the subject

ALINA RENDITISO, Università degli studi di Bologna, Area servizi dipartimentali e documentali, via Filippo Re 6, 40126 Bologna, e-mail alina.renditiso@unibo.it.

N.B. Il testo integrale è disponibile solo a stampa.
N.B. An Italian version of this abstract is also available. The full text, in Italian, is available only in the printed issue.

Copyright AIB 2011-12-09, a cura di Giada Costa
URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/boll/2011/1103226.htm

AIB-WEB | BollettinoAIB | Sommario 2011 n. 3