[AIB]  Associazione italiana biblioteche. BollettinoAIB 2002 n. 4 p. 411-412
AIB-WEB | BollettinoAIB | Sommario 2002 n. 4

A new vision of the ISBD:
The minor revolution of supplementary resources

di Pino Buizza


IFLA has published the revisions of ISBD(M) and ISBD(S), which is now entitled ISBD(CR) : International standard bibliographic description for serials and other continuing resources and includes all continuing resources. These are the first revisions aimed at ensuring that all the ISBDs are in conformity with FRBR and with bringing them into line with the requirements of a digital library.
Considering the constant evolution of national and multi-national codes, ISBD(M) is available «only on the Internet because the ISBD Review Group views it as an interim document subject to further review and revision in the near term». With its adaptation to FRBR, there is a precise distinction of three categories of elements to be transcribed: mandatory, mandatory only «when necessary for identification or otherwise considered important to users of the catalogue» and optional. The reduction of the mandatory elements and the new and non defined concept of «principal responsibility» are critically discussed and another small number of modifications are presented.
ISBD(CR) offers an answer to the description of updating CD-ROMs and to updating Web resources: its extension to all continuing resources involved a new analysis of the types of documents, called as a whole bibliographic resources. This is made to date back to the study by Hirons and Graham for the conference of Toronto on The principles and future of AACR in which the modifiability of their contents over time is assumed as the characterizing dimension of resources, which should therefore be divided into: static or dynamic, intentionally predetermined or indeterminate, which are altered because of additions of discrete parts or which are integrated so that the updates do not remain discrete. The evolution of this study is briefly illustrated and its presence as the foundation of ISBD(CR) is demonstrated through the new terminology (continuing resources, integrating resources) and the definitions in the glossary.
There are few innovations for serials. Bulletins of an event are now included as are the reprints of a serial. The cases of change of title which require a new registration are limited and some other minor changes are observed.
Integrating resources mark a "revolutionary" change in ISBD(CR). Their description is presented in a comparison in parallel with that of serials. It partly coincides, but then contrasts as it takes as a basis current iteration, the next rather than the first issue, and updates the areas for every variation of data (including every title change, which never involves a new registration), showing in the notes what has been replaced rather than what is new. Some specific instructions are indicated, as are some inherent difficulties in the on-going control of updating and the mobile nature that cannot be schematized of electronic continuing resources. There are some closing references to further activities of renewal that are both underway and planned.

PINO BUIZZA, Biblioteca Queriniana, via Mazzini 1, 25121 Brescia, e-mail gbuizza@comune.brescia.it.

N.B. The full text, in Italian, is also available.
Copyright AIB 2003-02-24, aggiornamento 2003-06-08 a cura di Anna Galluzzi
URL: http://www.aib.it/aib/boll/2002/02-4-411.htm

AIB-WEB | BollettinoAIB | Sommario 2002 n. 4