AIB. Vita dell'Associazione
Il gruppo di lavoro ha l'obiettivo di esaminare, nelle sue varie sfaccettature e applicazioni, il tema dell’advocacy delle biblioteche, a partire dai più significativi contributi presenti nella letteratura professionale internazionale e dai documenti ufficiali delle associazioni bibliotecarie e delle biblioteche italiane e straniere, con particolare attenzione all'esperienza accumulata nell’ambito dell'IFLA, dell'ALA e di specifici sistemi bibliotecari o biblioteche.
Il gruppo di lavoro si propone di raggiungere i seguenti risultati:
Recapito e-mail: <>
Action for Advocacy. A Code Of Practice For Advocates Charter in action Based on the Advocacy Charter. Action for Advocacy, 2006, in:
American Association of School Librarians (a division of the American Library Association). Toolkit for School Library Media Programs AASL Advocacy Toolkit Because Student Achievement IS the Bottom Line
Associazione Italiana Bibiblioteche. Vita dell'Associazione. Una campagna internazionale per le biblioteche: @lla tua biblioteca®
American Library Association ALA Advocacy Institute. The Advocacy. Action Plan. Workbook. Chicago, ALA, 2006, in:
Belfrage, Moneta. Advocacy for Democracy: the Role of the Library Associations. Paper presented at the 66th IFLA RTMLA Open Session . Jerusalem, Israel, August 15, 2000.
Boretti, Elena. @lla tua biblioteca: tra promozione e advocacy. Cosa fare per sostenere l'immagine e il valore delle biblioteche italiane?, in: 51. Congresso nazionale AIB, 2004, in:
Borges, Michael. Library advocacy starts at home, in: The Bottom Line: Managing Library Finances, v. 18 (2005), n. 3, p. 110-111
Brey-Casiano, Carol A. From Literate to Information Literate Communities Through Advocacy, in: Public library quarterly, v. 25 (2006), no 1-2, p. 181-190
Clubb, Barbara. Il servizio bibliotecario pubblico: linee guida IFLA/Unesco per lo sviluppo, in: Bibliotime, v. 6 (2003), n. 3, in:
Joan Isaac. Advocacy In Action. Council for International Development, in:
Canadian Library Association/Association canadienne des bibliothèques. Feliciter (Theme: Advocacy, Guest Editor: Connie Forst), v. 52 (2006), n. 3, 2006, in:
Fiels, Keith Michael. Building New Libraries in Massachusetts: an advocacy case study, World Library and Information Congress: 69th IFLA General Conference and Council 1-9 August 2003, Berlin
Freedman, Maurice J. Library advocacy - Difesa della biblioteca. In: AIB Notizie, 14 (2002), n. 5, p. II-III.
Garunkštyte,Vida - Varniene, Regina. Advocacy for Libraries - The role of Library Associations: Experience of Lithuania WORLD LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CONGRESS: 72ND IFLA GENERAL CONFERENCE AND COUNCIL 20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea
Glass Schuman, Patricia. Advocacy e strategie di comunicazione. L’esperienza dei bibliotecari americani, in: Biblioteche oggi, v. 19 (2001), maggio, p. 14-20, in:
Gordon, William. Advocacy for Democracy: the Role of Library Associations. Paper presented at the 66th IFLA RTMLA Open Session . Jerusalem, Israel, August 15, 2000.
Gorman, Michael. Library Advocacy. 52. Congresso Nazionale Associazione italiana biblioteche, Le politiche delle biblioteche in Italia. I servizi, Roma, San Michele di Ripa Grande 23-24 novembre 2005, in:
Guerrini, Mauro. Tra continuità e rinnovamento: i compiti del CEN nel triennio 2008-2011, in: Bollettino AIB, v. 48 (2008), n. 1, p. 5-8, in:
IFLA. Management of Library Associations Section Expanding Advocacy in the Library Community A Guide for Developing Government Relations without Borders, in:
Imhoff , Kathleen R. T. Creating Advocates for Public Libraries, in: Public Library Quarterly, v. 25 (2007), n. 1, 2007, p. 155–170
Ivan Mbulelo Qwelane Advocacy for democracy: the role of library association 66th IFLA Council and General Conference Jerusalem, Israel, 13-18 August
Library advocate's handbook. Editor Linda K. Fallace; traduzione di Sara Moretto e Maria Teresa Natale, in: AIB Notizie, v. 17 (2005), n. 10-11, p. 1-32, in:
Lor, Peter Johan. IFLA: looking to the future, in: Library Management, v. 27 (2006), n. 1/2, p. 38-47.
Lux, Claudia. Libraries on the Agenda! Presidential Theme of IFLA’s President-Elect, in: World Library and Information Congress: 72nd Ifla General Conference And Council 20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea, in:
McClure, Charles R. - Feldman, Sari - Ryan, Joe. Politics and Advocacy: The Role of Networking in Selling the Library to Your Community, in: Public library quarterly, v. 25 (2006), n. 1-2, p. 137-154
McKee, Bob. Harmony and Progress - 125 years of The Library Association. Paper presented at the 66th IFLA RTMLA workshop Library Associations for the 21st Century: New Wine in Old Bottles. Jerusalem, Israel, August 15, 2000.
Mlanga, Millicent A. Advocacy and Lobbying for People Centered Libraries,
Nelson, James A. Marketing and Advocacy: Collaboration in Principle and Practice, in: Public Library Quarterly, v. 25 (2007), n. 1, 2007, p. 117 – 135
Novotny, Deborah. Ink causes a stink: Preservation advocacy in the UK. World Library and Information Congress: 72nd Ifla General Conference And Council 20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea, in:
Qwelane, Ivan Mbulelo. Advocacy for Democracy: the Role of Library Associations. Paper presented at the 66th IFLA RTMLA Open Session . Jerusalem, Israel, August 15, 2000.
Regione Toscana. Tipi da biblioteca - Ottobre 2009 - Un mese straordinario nelle biblioteche toscane, in:
School Libraries. Making a Difference, in:
Shuler, John A. Freedom of Public Information versus the Right to Public Information: The Future Possibilities of Library Advocacy, in: The Journal of Academic Librarianship, v. 28 (2002), n. 3, p. 157–159.
Zaretsky, Lindy. Advocacy and administration: from conflict to collaboration, in: Journal of Educational Administration, v. 42 (2004), n. 2, p. 270-286
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